将 CSS 的位置变成 Webgl 的位置
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| function getMousePosInWebgl({ clientX, clientY }, canvas) { const { left, top, width, height } = canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); const [cssX, cssY] = [clientX - left, clientY - top]; const [halfWidth, halfHeight] = [width / 2, height / 2]; const [xBaseCenter, yBaseCenter] = [cssX - halfWidth, cssY - halfHeight]; const yBaseCenterTop = -yBaseCenter; return { x: xBaseCenter / halfWidth, y: yBaseCenterTop / halfHeight, }; }

根据 webgl 坐标得到 canvas 坐标原点移动到 webgl 中的原点的位置的坐标
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| function glToCssPos({ x, y }, { width, height }) { const [halfWidth, halfHeight] = [width / 2, height / 2]; return { x: x * halfWidth, y: -y * halfHeight, }; }
去掉了最后一步的基底转化和方向变化,得到的 x,y 就是getMousePosInWebgl
中的xBaseCenter, yBaseCenter
,即将 canvas 坐标系的原点移动到 webgl 坐标系原点的位置的坐标
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| function ScaleLinear(ax, ay, bx, by) { const delta = { x: bx - ax, y: by - ay, }; const k = delta.y / delta.x; const b = ay - ax * k; return function (x) { return k * x + b; }; }
我们都知道,两个点,可以构成一个点斜式关系,就是 y=kx+b;假如我们有两个点(ax,ay),(bx,by),那么斜率 k 就是(by-ay)/(bx-ax)
,此时的 b 就等于ay-ax*k
1 2 3
| const scaleX = ScaleLinear(0, minX, 600, maxX); const scaleY = ScaleLinear(0, maxY, 600, minY);
也就是可以得到这个 x 和 y 分别的对应关系,这里的 maxY 和 minY 的位置互换是因为 webgl 坐标系坐标的 y 轴是向上的。
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| export default class Compose { constructor() { this.parent = null; this.children = new Set(); } add(obj) { obj.parent = this; this.children.add(obj); } update(t) { this.children.forEach((ele) => { ele.update(t); }); } }
add 添加的 obj 是一个时间轨对象(Track),update 调用的也是时间轨对象,作用就是放置多个时间轨对象(Track)
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| export default class Track { constructor(target) { this.target = target; this.parent = null; this.start = 0; this.timeLen = 5; this.loop = false; this.keyMap = new Map();
this.onEnd = () => {}; this.prevTime = 0; } update(t) { const { keyMap, timeLen, target, loop, start, prevTime } = this; let time = t - start; if (timeLen >= prevTime && timeLen < time) { this.onEnd(); } this.prevTime = time; if (loop) { time = time % timeLen; } for (const [key, fms] of keyMap) { const last = fms.length - 1; if (time < fms[0][0]) { target[key] = fms[0][1]; } else if (time > fms[last][0]) { target[key] = fms[last][1]; } else { target[key] = getValBetweenFms(time, fms, last); } } } }
function getValBetweenFms(time, fms, last) { for (let i = 0; i < last; i++) { const fm1 = fms[i]; const fm2 = fms[i + 1]; if (time >= fm1[0] && time <= fm2[0]) { const delta = { x: fm2[0] - fm1[0], y: fm2[1] - fm1[1], }; const k = delta.y / delta.x; const b = fm1[1] - fm1[0] * k; return k * time + b; } } }
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| const track = new Track(obj); track.start = new Date(); track.timeLen = 2000; track.loop = true; track.keyMap = new Map([ [ "a", [ [500, a], [1000, 0], [1500, a], ], ], ]); compose.add(track); !(function ani() { compose.update(new Date()); render(); requestAnimationFrame(ani); })();
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| export default class Sky { constructor(gl) { this.gl = gl; this.children = []; } add(obj) { obj.gl = this.gl; this.children.push(obj); } updateVertices(params) { this.children.forEach((ele) => { ele.updateVertices(params); }); } draw() { this.children.forEach((ele) => { ele.init(); ele.draw(); }); } }
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| const defAttr = () => ({ gl: null, vertices: [], geoData: [], size: 2, attrName: "a_Position", uniName: "u_IsPOINTS", count: 0, types: ["POINTS"], circleDot: false, u_IsPOINTS: null, }); export default class Poly { constructor(attr) { Object.assign(this, defAttr(), attr); this.init(); } init() { const { attrName, size, gl, circleDot } = this; if (!gl) { return; } const vertexBuffer = gl.createBuffer(); gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexBuffer); this.updateBuffer(); const a_Position = gl.getAttribLocation(gl.program, attrName); gl.vertexAttribPointer(a_Position, size, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0); gl.enableVertexAttribArray(a_Position); if (circleDot) { this.u_IsPOINTS = gl.getUniformLocation(gl.program, "u_IsPOINTS"); } } updateBuffer() { const { gl, vertices } = this; this.updateCount(); gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, new Float32Array(vertices), gl.STATIC_DRAW); } updateCount() { this.count = this.vertices.length / this.size; } addVertice(...params) { this.vertices.push(...params); this.updateBuffer(); } popVertice() { const { vertices, size } = this; const len = vertices.length; vertices.splice(len - size, len); this.updateCount(); } setVertice(ind, ...params) { const { vertices, size } = this; const i = ind * size; params.forEach((param, paramInd) => { vertices[i + paramInd] = param; }); } updateVertices(params) { const { geoData } = this; const vertices = []; geoData.forEach((data) => { params.forEach((key) => { vertices.push(data[key]); }); }); this.vertices = vertices; } draw(types = this.types) { const { gl, count, circleDot, u_IsPOINTS } = this; for (let type of types) { circleDot && gl.uniform1f(u_IsPOINTS, type === "POINTS"); gl.drawArrays(gl[type], 0, count); } } }
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| const sky = new Sky(gl);
const compose = new Compose();
let poly = null;
let point = null;
canvas.addEventListener("mousedown", (event) => { if (event.button === 2) { popVertice(); } else { const { x, y } = getMousePosInWebgl(event, canvas); if (poly) { addVertice(x, y); } else { crtPoly(x, y); } } render(); });
canvas.addEventListener("mousemove", (event) => { const { x, y } = getMousePosInWebgl(event, canvas); point = hoverPoint(x, y); canvas.style.cursor = point ? "pointer" : "default"; if (poly) { const obj = poly.geoData[poly.geoData.length - 1]; obj.x = x; obj.y = y; } });
!(function ani() { compose.update(new Date()); sky.updateVertices(["x", "y", "pointSize", "alpha"]); render(); requestAnimationFrame(ani); })();
function crtPoly(x, y) { let o1 = point ? point : { x, y, pointSize: random(), alpha: 1 }; const o2 = { x, y, pointSize: random(), alpha: 1 }; poly = new Poly({ size: 4, attrName: "a_Attr", geoData: [o1, o2], types: ["POINTS", "LINE_STRIP"], circleDot: true, }); sky.add(poly); crtTrack(o1); crtTrack(o2); }
function addVertice(x, y) { const { geoData } = poly; if (point) { geoData[geoData.length - 1] = point; } let obj = { x, y, pointSize: random(), alpha: 1 }; geoData.push(obj); crtTrack(obj); }
function popVertice() { poly.geoData.pop(); const { children } = compose; const last = children[children.length - 1]; children.delete(last); poly = null; }
▲ABC中没有包含路径G 中的其它顶点
2.当找到▲ABC 后,就将点B从路径的顶点集合中删掉,然后继续往后找。
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| export default class ShapeGeo { constructor(pathData=[]) { this.pathData = pathData; this.geoData = []; this.triangles = []; this.vertices = []; this.parsePath(); this.update(); } update() { this.vertices = []; this.triangles = []; this.findTriangle(0); this.upadateVertices() } parsePath() { this.geoData = []; const { pathData, geoData } = this for (let i = 0; i < pathData.length; i += 2) { geoData.push({ x: pathData[i], y: pathData[i + 1] }) } } findTriangle(i) { const { geoData, triangles } = this; const len = geoData.length; if (geoData.length <= 3) { triangles.push([...geoData]); } else { const [i0, i1, i2] = [ i % len, (i + 1) % len, (i + 2) % len ]; const triangle = [ geoData[i0], geoData[i1], geoData[i2], ];
if (this.cross(triangle) > 0 && !this.includePoint(triangle)) { triangles.push(triangle); geoData.splice(i1, 1); } this.findTriangle(i1); } } includePoint(triangle) { for (let ele of this.geoData) { if (!triangle.includes(ele)) { if (this.inTriangle(ele, triangle)) { return true; } } } return false; } inTriangle(p0, triangle) { let inPoly = true; for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { const j = (i + 1) % 3; const [p1, p2] = [triangle[i], triangle[j]]; if (this.cross([p0, p1, p2]) < 0) { inPoly = false; break } } return inPoly; } cross([p0, p1, p2]) { const [ax, ay, bx, by] = [ p1.x - p0.x, p1.y - p0.y, p2.x - p0.x, p2.y - p0.y, ]; return ax * by - bx * ay; } upadateVertices() { const arr = [] this.triangles.forEach(triangle => { for (let { x, y } of triangle) { arr.push(x, y) } }) this.vertices = arr } }
设矢量P = ( x1, y1 ),Q = ( x2, y2 ),则矢量叉积定义为由(0,0)、p1、p2和p1+p2所组成的平行四边形的带符号
的面积,即:P × Q = x1y2 - x2y1,其结果是一个标量。显然有性质 P × Q = - ( Q × P ) 和 P × ( - Q )
= - ( P × Q )。一般在不加说明的情况下,本文下述算法中所有的点都看作矢量,两点的加减法就是矢量相加减,而点的乘法则看作矢量叉积。
若 P × Q > 0 , 则Q在P的逆时针方向。
若 P × Q < 0 , 则Q在P的顺时针方向。
若 P × Q = 0 , 则P与Q共线,但可能同向也可能反向。